I’ve had my Kindle since before Christmas. I’m not a technophobe. At the same time, I’m not the person who stands in a long line to get the next generation of whatever.
Given that, here is what I love/ don’t love about my Kindle.
Love. That it is take care of some of the issue of shelf space for books in our house. We are a family of readers who have a hard time parting with books. We simply cannot buy another bookcase.
Love. All the cheap and free books I have downloaded. As if my second mystery series (Bargain Hunters mysteries) didn’t reveal it, I’m a coupon clipper and deal seeker to the core. Books at bargain prices makes my heart go pitter patter.
Love. As a writer I love that e-books are giving good writers the opportunity to bypass the gatekeeper publishers and get their books directly to the reader
Not love. Although I have downloaded fiction and non-fiction, I think for me the Kindle works best for fiction, something you read all the way through. Perhaps it is just my study style, but if I read a non-fiction book for the purpose of taking notes and tearing the book apart, it seems to work best if the whole book is visually in front of me and I can flip back and forth. The Kindle has a feature for highlighting and taking notes, but that doesn’t seem to help me digest the info in a non-fiction book.
not love. The explosion of e-books is a double edged sword. Yes, some good writers can reach the readers directly, but it also means there is that much more junk out there for readers to sort through
Would I recommend the Kindle to another reader. You betcha